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There are possibilities:
Those registering at the conference, should complete Section B3 of the Conference Registration Form. The system will then automatically generate an email for the organizer of the selected workshop.
Those not registering at the Conference, but planning to attend only the Workshops, should send an email indicating the selected Workshop to the following addresses:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Please ensure that your email includes the name of the selected workshop and that it is sent to the three addresses above.

You might be contacted by the workshop organizer regarding specific participation conditions.



      Low power electronics for medical applications in the frame of the FP7 ICT European project ULTRAsponder.

Dr. Catherine Dehollain (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland).


      FP7 project "MultiBase" (Scalable Multi-tasking Baseband for Mobile Communications): achievements and impact.

Dr. Franz Dielacher (Infineon).

C = This workshop has been closed
X = This workshop is FREE OF CHARGE

