Low power electronics for medical applications in the frame of the FP7 ICT European project ULTRAsponder
For more information about this workshop click here [PDF]
Dr. Catherine Dehollain, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Content of the workshop:
8:45: Opening of the desk at the entrance of the room
SESSION 1: Remote powering and communications through ultrasound
9:00: Opening of the workshop, Catherine Dehollain, EPFL, RF IC group, Lausanne, Switzerland
9:10: FP7 ICT European ULTRAsponder project: In Vivo Ultrasonic Transponder System for Biomedical applications
Speaker: Catherine Dehollain, EPFL, RF IC group, Lausanne, Switzerland
9:30: Ultrasound for wireless energy transfer and communication for implanted medical devices
Speakers: Catherine Dehollain and Francesco Mazzilli, EPFL, RF IC group, Switzerland
From 10:00 to 10.30: Coffee break
10:30: Possible acoustic paths for communication and energy transfer with deeply implanted sensors using ultrasound
Speaker: Benjamin Cotte, INSERM, Unit U556, Lyon, France
SESSION 2: Low power data acquisition and low power digital processing
11:00: Data compression in medical implants
Speaker: Pal Anders Floor, Oslo University Hospital, Interventional Center, Oslo, Norway
11:30: Low-power data acquisition system for very small signals with 12-Bit-SAR-ADC
Speaker: Christof Dohmen, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
From 12:00 to 13.30: Lunch
13:30: Low power digital processing
Speaker: Marc Morgan, CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland
SESSION 3: Low power electronics for medical applications
14:00: Electro magnetical fields and implanted medical devices: MRI compatibility
Speaker: Volkert Zeijlemaker, Medtronic, Bakken Research Center, Maastricht, Netherlands
14:30: Low power analog electronics for portable and autonomous applications
Speaker: Franco Maloberti, University of Pavia, Integrated Microsystem Laboratory, Italy
15:00: RF CMOS sensors for contactless health monitoring
Speaker: Domenico Zito, University College Cork and Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
From 15:00 to 15.30: Coffee break
16:00 Battery-less wireless sensors based on low power UHF RFID tags
Speaker: Ivan Rebollo, Farsens S.L., San Sebastian, Spain
16:30: Closing of the workshop: Catherine Dehollain, EPFL, RF IC group, Lausanne, Switzerland